Monday, October 3, 2011

Birsa Munda the Great Son of Jharkhand : A brief History

The life history of Birsa Munda will go down in the history of the tribal’s as a story of Emancipation of his own people, who were subjected to prolonged suppression by the Britishers. He was a great visionary. He realized that the Britishers have come to this land to torture the masses and carry wealth abroad. He is reckoned as a freedom fighter who led the tribal’s essentially to prevent land grabbing by the non-tribal’s ending them up as bonded laborers’ in their own land. 

He had organized his first protest march for remission of forest dues. It was at this time the great famine of 1895 broke out. Birsa Munda presently is being worshipped as 'Bhagaban' in the newly created State of Jharkhand.

Birsa was born in the year 1874. Though lived a very short span of 25 years,he aroused the tribal mind-set and mobilised them in a little town of Chhotnagpur and was a terror for the British Rulers. True to his greatness and achievements to free the tribals, he was called 'Dharti Abba'. A visitor is overwhelmed to see his statue erected in the steel city of Rourkela as a befitting tribute to this great tribal leader who had fulfilled his mission by compelling the Britishers for the promulgation of the Chhotnagpur Tenancy Act, 1908. This legislation being an offshoot of his struggle prohibited alienation of tribal land and also provision for restoration of the alienated land. He invoked the tribals to take pride of their ancestor's patriotism and to maintain their cultural ethos.

The tribals were suppressed for long by the Dikus (nontribals) and the intermediaries like Thikadars and money lenders including Zamindars tried to exploit the tribals constantly.The tribals who were for centuries the owners of the land and engaged in cultivation could not stand the trials before the British Court and the primitive practice of verbal agreement on land ownership could not be recognized by law. Finally the tribals ended themselves up as bonded laborers in their own land of origin.

The level of discontentment which grew out of sustained discontentment struck at the very root of their age-old customs and practices and against this background Birsa organized his struggle to free the tribal folk from the brink of survival and he commenced his protest march on 1st October 1894 for remission of forest dues. He gave his clarion call to the tribals in his own language "Maharani raj tundu jana oro abua raj ete Jana". In other words he wanted the tribal’s to end the rule of the queen and re-establish their own kingdom.
Birsa accordingly spearheaded the tribal movement in the region of Chhotanagpur and brought the tribal community under a single umbrella. He instigated the masses by putting examples of their ancestors and their burning patriotism which now spread like wild fire.

Birsa saw to it that a gallant struggle was to be fought reawakening patriotism among his masses, which was almost at the waning state. His organizational skill, motivating the masses to regain freedom from the power grabbers like the Thikadars, Zamindars and money-lenders and restoration of full ownership rights as tillers of the soil are exemplary in the history of the tribals. After our Constitution coming into force a lot of safeguards have been bestowed upon the tribals to save them from exploitation from the affluent class. Many a legislations have been passed both by the Parliament and the State Legislatures to protect them from the land grabbing by the non-tribals. Their inherent indebtedness and alcoholism which continued to be endemic, and of late considerable tribal land has been acquired for various development projects for industrial, power and irrigation purposes leading to large scale displacement and alienation of their tenancy rights. In return the little that is given to the tribals as compensation package is grossly inadequate.

This has given rise to discontentment. Birsa Munda's dream can be realised only if the tribals are restored with their land within a limited time frame by suitable enactment. It is high time that the oppression of the private money lenders should be stopped. Govt. plans such as tribal sub-plan and Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDP) and Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) should be implemented in right earnest under single window administration.

In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Tribal people should develop along the lines of their own genius and we should avoid imposing anything on them forcibly. We should try to encourage in every way their traditional arts and culture." Then only Birsa Munda's revolt to save the tribals from the age-long repression by awakening them from the deep slumber both as a prophet and saviour can be fully realised. Birsa died Jail in 1900 at the budding age of 25.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Result Controversy in JPSC 4th PT examination Further Intensified Cancelation Looms

According to some reports JPSC chairman has constituted an expert committee to evaluate the answer key that was released on September 30 for the 4th civil services PT.

The report also suggest if more than two errors will be ratified in each paper then commission may consider to cancel the examination and it will go for the reexamination.

JPSC 4th civil services Examination is under controversy right from the notification till Answer key release ,Here is the chronology

Notification: Age related Controversy was witnessed during the notification of the examination

Examination Date Controversy: The JPSC web site was jammed and aspirants were unable to download the Admit card so date was extended at the last minutes

Examination Controversy: Large number of Question Repeated from UPSC Civil services Examination were seen, and even the Examination controller of the JPSC has recommended the cancelation of PT.

Result Controversy: Scaling and improper representation of all the optional, Category wise cut off and many students got more than maximum marks after the release of Result sparked the controversy.

Answer Key Controversy: Wrong answer in most of the papers including General studies has also added new flavor in the ongoing controversy.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

JPSC 4TH PT Answer key-Indian History

JPSC 4TH PT Answer key-Indian History

JPSC finds Dancer in Historian Romila Thapar

JPSC who earned the name of Jungle Public Service Commission of the country because of their previous act once again came under clouds of new controversy as the recently released answer key of the 4th civil services examination the answer key has several mistakes.

JPSC has tried their best to make the system but they failed to come clean again and again.
The released answer key suggests that eminent Historian Romila Thapar is a Dancer.


Friday, September 30, 2011

At least 8 errors found in JPSC 4TH PT GS Answer Key ,More Protest Ahead

Ranchi,Sept,30:Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has released the answer key of the recently concluded 4th PT examination and as per expectation they have again committed mistakes while giving the answer so new dimension in ongoing controversy will surface in coming days.

I am giving some wrong answer released by JPSC for GS paper which is as follows:

1. Which racial group has the largest number of the members?
The Experts of JPSC is saying, Caucasoid...But the  right answer is Mongoloid.

2. The question related with Prime minister has both the answer (c)&(d) 
but most appropriate is ,(c)Appointed by president.

3.  The Members of the Panchayat Samiti are directly elected by the people but as per JPSC key it is elected by the members

4. It is quite funny but true as per answer key of JPSC famous Historian Romila thapar ia a Dancer.

5.  As per JPSC answer Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5.20 Hrs ahead of GMT(Actual is 5.30Hrs).

6. The gas used for artificial ripening of fruit is Ethylene but JPSC Answer key suggests Acetylene.

7. In the question associated with the Height of great Himalaya which is 6100 m ASL  but the options are (a) 8850 m ASL, (b) 8815 m ASL, (c) 8890 m ASL ,(d) 8860 m ASL                                
 (Here no option is right)

8.  Controversy is also with the President Mrs Patil Offered the loan...
She has given $74.44 million but no options are there.

9. The question talks about Shimla of Jharkhand is also controversial