Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BPSC 53rd 55th Mains result is all set to Delay

Patna: Oct, 17: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) missed its own deadline for the evaluation for the 53-55 the Mains examination papers.

According to the source close to the development, commission had earlier sets its deadline to conclude the entire evaluation process by the September end later it was extended up to 15th October and now it was learned that new deadline has emerged which is of October 31st.

The snail pace of the evaluation was caused by the nonavailability of adequate number of evaluators, it was also learned that BPSC has received the request latter from earlier paneled teachers about their unavailability for the evaluation process.

In line with the above outcome BPSC has written the universities of the state to submit the teachers list to impanel them with BPSC for the evaluation.

Under the ongoing development result is bound to get delayed as we are moving towards the festive season so the result can be expected in December or January 2013.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) model answer key

Ranchi,Oct,13:Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) has finally release the model answer key on the web site.

JSSC has taken this decision to arrest the controversy by creating a transparant system.

JSSC has decided for safe play as they learned from the BSSC Sacivalay Sahayak PT examination which result was upheld by the Patna High Court due to question related errors.

Earlier the JSSC Chairman Chitranjan Sahay had revealed to the media after the examination that Commission will reveal the answer ket once they will receive the Model answer from the expert.

Four question has been omitted from the evaluation and candidates has been given to register their objection by october 20.

As per the  chairman the mains examination will be conducted in December.

Answer key Link

BSSC,BPSC Moving towards transparency in Examination Process

The role of recruitment agencies has became critical now a days as applicants are more aware about proceedings particularly after the implementation of Right to Information Act(RTI) in the India.

Bihar is politically more aware, here students are having habit to move swiftly into the court if they have any doubt.

Many people believe that all examinations in Bihar and Jharkhand comes under controversy as it was seen in most of the BPSC Combined Civil Services Examinations, JPSC Combined Civil Service Examination, BSSC Graduate Level Sachivalay Sahayak Examination etc.

The allegation against asking the wrong question wrong model answer is the most common cause of controversy as it was seen in the case of 4th JPSC,53-55th BPSC and BSSC examination in recent times.

BPSC and BSSC is inching towards more transparency in the examination as BPSC had decided to follow the UPPSC way to tame the controversy associated with the model answer key by releasing the answer key soon after the PT examination to get feedback of the students in stipulated time frame.

One step ahead BSSC had uploaded the OMR sheet of the Candidates who appeared in the Graduate level sachivalay sahayak examination on their web site. Although BSSC examination matter is in court but the steps taken by the commission is appreciable.

This is the transition phase for the commission because they are shifting from the rudimentary and opaque system to the transparent system.

The candidates are facing various issues but it is certain that in coming time examination will be more transparent and the thanks goes to RTI.

India Fces Threat of Reverse Growth

Twenty year ago, India found itself in dire economic distress when country was growing with snail pace which was termed as Hindu rate of growth.

The GDP of India in total was below $500 billion with near-zero forex reserves to fulfill only 15 days of import need of the country.

The 1991 reform had given India the second freedom to grow but in recent time Indian growth has slowed down amid world crisis.

After sleeping for 6 year without any policy adjustment UPS II has launched big bang reform in the format of Twenty 20 as commented by several experts while talking on television shows.

Coalition politics corruption is in full swing, country is facing challenge at all important front right from the Civil movement by the Mango people,International front as Indian credit rating is on threat as S&P ,MOODY,FITCH all watching closely the Indian activity.

Macro of Indian economy has showing sustaining deterioration as High Inflation,Lowering of IIP a clear indication of reduction of factory activity,widened fiscal deficit of 6 % of GDP in 2012, current account deficit of 4.2 % of GDP in 2012, and lower business confidence have added further slowdown to the Indian economy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

No Change in the Pattern of JPSC 5th Civil Services Examination

Ranchi,Oct,11:Jharkhand Public Service Comission(JPSC) is carefully cautious in taking any decision as they have decided to continue with the ongoing examination pattern for the 5th Civil Services Examination.

The new development is happend in line with the expectation as JPSC is yet to finalize the new pattern however Comission in consultation with the Government of Jharkhand has already Constituted an Expert Committee to review the pattern and syllabus of Combined Civil Services Examination conducted by it.

Earlier the Government of Jharkhand felt the need for making the recruitment examination contemproray relevent and reliable recruitment system amid past controversy.

The expert committee is likely to submit its recomendation shortly which will be forwarded to the state government for the approval and then it will be uploaded on the web site of the JPSC.

The comission have decided to give one year gap between adoptation of the revised pattern/syllabus and any examination on the pattern to provide adequate time to the applicant to adjust with the new system.

So amid ongoing development it is most likely that JPSC 5th Combined Civil Services examinatio which is expected to announce soon will go through previous pattern.