After the release of schedule of Mains examination of BPSC as per expectation JPSC finds them at comfortable place as the comission is followiing the all possiblity to extend the further date of the controversial examination.
Earlier JPSC chossen the slot of UPSC interview and now they have grabbed the expected mains date of BPSC which is turned out a reality.
It doesnt seems that JPSC is functioning properly in the favour of students they have created their own contriversial way of functioning without any precedence.
One can see the web site where most of the links are for corrigendum in their various notification and even the published forms.
In its recent release of Geologist examination the bank chalan has wrong advertisment number of 28/2011 instead of 28/2012 and till now no corrigendum for this as last date of application is Apr 30.
In its recent release of Geologist examination the bank chalan has wrong advertisment number of 28/2011 instead of 28/2012 and till now no corrigendum for this as last date of application is Apr 30.
Only god can bless this junked institution.